If you need money, you may be tempted to take out a loan against the IRA because it can be one of your most valuable assets. Unfortunately you can’t get an IRA loan. However, you can do several similar things if you really need cash. Can I borrow from my Roth IRA without penalty?
Thanks to Roth IRA, contributions are not tax deductible, but your earnings can grow without tax and your qualified payments are tax and penalty free. The Roth IRA payout rules and fines vary depending on the age and time of the account and other factors. Before making a Roth IRA payment, remember the following tips to avoid a potential 10% penalty for early withdrawal:
- Payments must be made after the age of 59.
- Payments should be made after a five-year holding period.
- There are exceptions to the penalty for early withdrawal, such as buying a home for the first time, college expenses, and birth or adoption costs.
The money in your IRA is for your retirement. Removing money means sacrificing the investment returns you would make on that money. Consider other sources of money before invading the IRA. For example, an alternative might be access to a 0% credit card or a peer-to-peer loan. Or check out NerdWallet’s personal loan calculator to see if a personal loan can help you.
Did we mention that IRAs were created specifically for retirement savings?
It may not be surprising that the legislators have set strict rules on how to withdraw money. Failure to follow the rules will result in a high 10% penalty, and usually also income tax. Proceed with caution. (Note: The vast majority of withdrawals from a traditional IRA will incur taxes).

How can you borrow from Roth IRA?
Technically, you can’t take a Roth IRA loan. But you can withdraw your contributions at any time without paying fines. However, if you want to withdraw your earnings from your contributions, you may have to pay a 10% penalty.
There is also a way around the IRS requirements if you only need to borrow money for a short period of time. In both cases, you will need to work with a financial institution that supports your Roth IRA to make sure you complete the appropriate forms.
Under the IRS, you can make a tax-free withdrawal of part or all of your money in your Roth IRA, provided that you return the money to the same Roth IRA or to a traditional IRA within 60 days. This is called Roth IRA rollover and is often used to transfer 401 (k) funds when you change jobs or want more investment options than 401 (k) provides. When the money is transferred to the account’s deposit, this is called indirect rolling.
To protect your retirement and minimize tax complications, it is better to borrow somewhere else. An unsecured loan (where nothing is as collateral for the pledge) may be all we need. These loans are available at peer-to-peer loan services, family members, banks and savings banks.